Digging Deeper: the Gospel

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At Little Shoots, we hope to help you dig deep roots with your little shoots. Whether you’re a mom, dad, grandparent, or caregiver we want you to feel equipped to disciple kiddos in the Gospel. So rather than just provide resources, we want to equip you to study the Word yourself and bring your kids along for the ride!

That’s where Digging Deeper comes in. In these episodes, you’ll hear a little bit about the heart behind the resources on Little Shoots and some ways to think through using them in your own context.

Today we dig into the Gospel. Looking at I Corinthians 15:1-5, we discuss what the Gospel is, why it matters for our lives, and how it intersects with both Joseph: Part 1/3 and Miss Pouty Pants from earlier this week.


Joseph Part 2/3


Miss Pouty Pants: Sunday